REDD SKULL COMICS PRESENTS:Our Annual Boxing Week Sale  Friday, December 27: Magazines - 20% off Back Issues - 30% off Saturday, Decemebr 28: Manga books - 35% off All Posters - $5 T-Shirts - 10% off Back Issues - 40% off Sunday,  ecember 29: Comics (Released prior to Dec. 11th) - 20% off Trades - 20% off Indy Trades - 30% off Back Issues - 50% off HEADS UPS FOLKS!! March of 2014 we celebrate 20 Years in the industry!!So starting in March, each month will see a HUGE new deal for our customers. That's right! It's like Boxing week all year long!! Woohoo! Monday, December 30: Statues and Busts - 15% off Back Issues - 60% off Tuesday, December 31: Games - 20% off Toys - Buy 3 get 1 FREE!!! Back Issues - 70% off